The three types of climate career seekers, and why knowing which you are helps

In speaking with 100’s of aspirational changemakers I have come to recognise three types of people who are looking to get into climate related work and sustainable business

1 - Team “Disillusioned Contributor”

The biggest group, by far. Having arrived at a mid career point this team are haunted by an increasingly real realisation that their work lacks meaning.

This group is full of driven, high achieving talent that are slowly realising that making money for others and winning the trinkets of conventional success isn’t lighting their fire anymore.

This group are most likely to be experiencing some real angst about their sense of self, their values, and even their friends.

They are typically unsure of what a more positive vision of their future might look like and want help in examining what all this means

2 - Team ’Moment of clarity’

Typically they have experienced a sudden and passionate realisation along the lines of “What the fck are we doing, and holy sht, I am part of doing it”

This team are right at the start of the journey toward finding their pathway to contribute. (Fancy way of saying climatejob). They are passionate, full of urgency and concern.

However the overwhelming options from so many potential solutions is real, as well as the fear of change and the “do I have to start again, will I need to take a pay cut” questions.

They want help navigating the landscape and finding their niche

3 -Team “All or Nothing”

Typically realised the urgency of the climate crisis and are looking to quit their job now and join (or found) a trendy climate tech company, or freelance as a sustainability consultant to hard to abate industries.

This team are most likely to be haunted by what they think of as their limited transferable skills and lack of network, and cannot see how to bridge the gap from their 10 years as a marketing executive.

As such they fail to take any action and build up a good deal of personal frustration. They really want help in recognising their value and pitching it to find their dream climate career

Which team are you in? If you want help in overcoming the barriers above and make this year the year you do something about finding more meaning for you, and making our world a better place, then grab a free virtual coffee and lets see how you can get the support you need.

Andy Nelson

On a mission to do more than take my own cup to the coffee shop in the face of the world on fire, I am dedicated to helping talented mid career professionals find meaningful work that makes a difference.


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