- Applications 3
- Barriers To Change 2
- CV writing 2
- CareerShift 4
- Energy Sector 1
- Exploring Your Transition 3
- Founder 1
- Getting The Job 4
- How To Find The Work 2
- Interviews 1
- Job Search 3
- LinkedIn 1
- Mindset 1
- Money 1
- Networking 2
- Recruiters 1
- Redundancy and Layoffs 1
- Role Requirements 1
- Skills 1
- Success Story 7
- The Messy Middle 1
- Training And Certification 1
- Transition Story 1
- Wages 1
Success Story: From Ops Manager for Investment Firm to Carbon Free Electricity Program Lead
Clare Mengebier landed her job as Program Operations Lead for Rocky Mountain Institute's Carbon-Free Electricity program. Read her incredibly well structured approach
Success Story: From Tourism to Sustainability Consultant
Rachel Parsons was frustrated by the slow pace of change in her industry so she retrained, leveraged her network and founded her own change maker consultancy
Success Story: From Engineer to ESG Manager
Nicole Volger couldn’t find a sustainability role she wanted to started her own consultancy, then got offered the job of her dreams as a senior sustainability and ESG manager
Success Story: From Administrator to Sustainability Director
PAIGE HOFFMAN incrementally added sustainability related projects to her work and her dedication and persistence paid off her company realised they needed her
“Eventually, we worked together to create a role that focused on driving sustainability”